Brano straniero


Autori: Adrian Louis Richard Mcleod, James John Ó Dochartaigh, Kneecap, Liam Og Ó Hannaidh, Naoise Iarla Ó Cairealláin, Thomas Mackenzie Bell
Genere: Hip-Hop/Rap

"Sick In The Head"



“Explosive delivery, graphic humour and unrelenting charm (that’s) reminiscent of early Eminem” (LA Times)

Il trio rap irlandese KNEECAP, uno dei gruppi più eccitanti e decisivi del momento, ha annunciato oggi i dettagli del proprio album di debutto, Fine Art. Il disco verrà pubblicato da Heavenly Recordings venerdì 14 giugno 2024 ed è prodotto da Toddla T. L'album di 12 tracce, che fonde senza soluzione di continuità l'irlandese con l'inglese e la satira con testi socialmente consapevoli, è ferocemente intelligente, costantemente esilarante e genuinamente provocatorio. La loro è una voce che proviene dalle aree troppo spesso svantaggiate dell'Irlanda del Nord e che parla in una lingua troppo spesso ignorata.

Il trio composto da Mo Chara, Móglaí Bap e DJ Próvaí, che ha recentemente conquistato il Sundance Film Festival di quest'anno con il film semi-biografico diretto da Rich Peppiatt e interpretato da Michael Fassbender, ha condiviso oggi anche il video di "Sick In The Head", l'ultimo brano estratto dall'album, che arriva dopo la collaborazione con Grian Chatten in "Better Way To Live". Il pezzo è caratterizzato da un groove hip hop vecchia scuola e da due voci frustrate che non ce la fanno più, allo stremo delle forze. Parlando del brano, KNEECAP hanno dichiarato:

When working on the album we had periods of great productivity but also periods with a total lack of anything creatively. Towards the end of recording we hit a proper wall and this is the result. Our mental health was being tested and we said f*ck it it we’re doomed to mental torture we want to have some money to get through it. We’ve had enough of it while being broke round Belfast.

Il singolo è accompagnato da un video diretto da Peadar Ó Goill. Sul video i KNEECAP hanno detto:

We're in the centre of a sweaty mosh pit mid-gig in a dark warehouse room. This pit represents emotional state, from f*cked up and chaotic to moments of clarity and calmness.The warehouse offers escape - from the mundane... for the marginalised.

When Kneecap entered the studio with producer Toddla T in the summer of 2023, they quickly decided to scrap everything they had already prepared for the album they were about to record. Instead, they decided to build a pub together.

Built on a West Belfast side street, The Rutz is a community boozer, in that the entire community uses it. All human life is inside, either thriving, striving or skiving.. Religious affiliations are irrelevant and the chatter is an intoxicating blur of English and Irish.

Although the pub is currently just a figment of the band’s imagination, all of the action on Kneecap’s exhilarating first album - Fine Art - takes place in The Rutz immersing the listener in a world thus far unrepresented in modern music.

Across the record’s twelve tracks and the interconnecting moments between them recorded by the band and friends, the pub comes to life vividly, providing the perfect backdrop for the cast of characters that join the dots throughout the album. From the moment the idea was born back in Toddla T’s studio, it was the obvious location to base the world of Kneecap in.

Mo Chara “When we got into the studio with Toddla T, we scrapped every song we had and started from complete scratch. T’s idea was to tell the story of Kneecap. So the record was conceived as the listener stepping into Kneecap’s world. That’s where the idea came to set whole thing in a pub. You walk into a pub at the start, there’s someone offering you a drink, there’s a singsong… really, it’s us taking you by the hand and leading you into our world.”

Kneecap’s story began in 2017 with the release of their first single - C.E.A.R.T.A. (Irish for ‘rights’). The lyrics document a near miss with the RUC on the way to party, loaded up with enough illegal substances to warrant a stretch inside. While the track was quickly banned by Irish language radio station RTE for ‘drug referencing and cursing’, C.E.A.R.T.A. saw the band help usher Irish into the modern era thanks to some much-needed creativity with the terminology.

Mo Chara “We’re Irish speakers living in an urban area, the first or second generation to be born in the city. Traditionally it’s a rural language after colonialism pushed it out west towards the sea. We wanted to bring the Irish language into the modern era by incorporating aspects of youth culture into it. There’s a different lifestyle in the city to rural areas. There were no words for drugs in the Irish language so we had to invent them. We’d recycle old words and apply them to modern things. That’s part of the world we want to create, where the Irish language is central and it’s modern.”

Moglaí Bap “The beauty of Kneecap is that we not only piss off people from the Unionist background, we also piss off people from the Irish community.. We don’t discriminate who we piss off. There’s conservative people in the Irish language community who think that the language should be sustained as an ancient language in all its beauty. They think we’re ruining the language with the words we’re using. But you start to hear young people using some of the words we use in our songs, referring to drugs or party life. That feels like we’re having a positive effect on youth culture.”

Featuring vocal contributions from Lankum’s Radie Peat, Grian Chatten of Fontaines D.C. and Jelani Blackman, that positive effect comes into its own on Fine Art. A hip-hop record in the sense that the glorious sprawl of Check Your Head was, its approach to modern music is magpie like, reflecting how an evening of music might evolve at a festival, or inside the right kind of pub. Where the band’s previous mixtape 3cag reflected life and issues in Ireland at the point of recording, Fine Art was always intended to be about the band themselves.
