Asthmatic Kitty
Brano straniero


Autori: Sufjan Stevens, Angelo De Augustine
Genere: Indie Rock
Ascolta ‘Reach Out’ e ‘Olympus’, primi due estratti dalla collaborazione di SUFJAN STEVENS e ANGELO DE AUGUSTINE.
’A Beginner’s Mind’ uscirà il 24 Settembre per Asthmatic Kitty Records.

Guarda il video di 'Reach Out' -

Ascolta 'Olympus' -

Per il brano ‘Reach Out’ è stato realizzato anche un video, girato questo anno da Sufjan e Angelo con una videocamera VHS dai loro appartamenti a New York e in California, in cui compaiono i loro cani Joku e Charlie.

L’idea dietro al nuovo ‘A Beginner’s Mind’ è nata durante un ritiro di un mese dei due musicisti e di altri amici della Asthmatic Kitty presso una casa di campagna nello stato di New York. Ogni sera il gruppo di amici guardava un film e i 14 brani del nuovo disco ne sono la diretta consegnuenza, basati sulle pellicole viste e analizzate dagli artisti in quei giorni.

I brani sono stati scritti in “tandem” dal duo, testi e musica, spesso ultimando versi e arrangiamenti composti dall’altro. I film sono stati solo la scintilla che ha spinto Sufjan e Angelo a comporre musica insieme, un pretesto per parlare di altro e affrontare un nuovo processo creativo, con l’obiettivo di non giudicare e osservare il mondo con gli occhi di un bambino.

La copertina del disco è stata realizzata dall’artista ghanese Daniel Anum Jasper, ispirato dalle grafiche del “mobile cinema” degli anni ’80 in cui venivano creati nuovi poster per i grandi film hollywoodiani che arrivavano in Africa.

Info album:


. Reach Out

I have a memory

Of a time and place where history resigned

Now my apology

All the light came in to fulminate my mind

Reach out, reach out

To all the ones who came before you

Ponder what is right

You and I, in defiance

Speak out, speak out

The conversation may afford you

Wisdom of the wise

You and I, in defiance

And I come from conscience where there is no conjugation

I would rather be a flower than the ocean

And I held myself as something of an innovation

I would rather be devoured than be broken

All my life I tried so hard

To separate myself from all

That is and was and will be torn apart

You were running unafraid

I know you, but I’ve changed my way

You know I take it all to heart

Home is where you’ve called my name

I’ve gone as far as the eye can blame

You said love may have lost its way

Now my life has been erased

And what I gave, I gave for you

And for myself and for the holy name

You were running unashamed

And yours is mine and all remains

As nothing ever stays the same

Reach out, reach out to all the ones who came before

Reach out, reach out to all the ones who came before

Reach out, reach out and all at once the pain restores you

Reach out, reach out and all at once the pain restores you

All at once the pain restores you

I have a memory of a time and place where history resigned

Now in my reverie

For the guiding light that opened up my mind

. Olympus

Oh, lift up your head, boy

Don’t play pretend dead on the floor

Now Harryhausen conceived from a cauldron

Wielding Olympus with eyes on the shore

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

Oh, show me the flow of my life

Bound by Acrisius bronzed in the skylight

Seeking the oracle’s eyes in the night with a sigh

Seriphos greets us with moments of silence

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

Who will arrange my great escape?

Hopelessly I have been torn from this outrage

Tossing and turning uneasy it cost me the cross

Am I at rest or resigned in my chaos?

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

There’s nothing

There’s something

It’s the light on your hand

There’s something

It’s the touch of my wristband

There’s one thing

It’s the weight of our wish

There’s one thing

It’s our very first kiss

Davide Iurlano